Without a doubt these are worrying times and we are in uncharted territory on just about every level.   But one thing we can still enjoy – even under lock down conditions – is our photography!

With a hobby that can be enjoyed in total isolation, at home as well as outdoors, there are still loads of things you can do, not only to keep shooting, but even improve your skills while we all have to hunker down and stay safe.

There’s also a lot of evidence to show that photography is great for your mental health too – so let’s make the most of what we can do, while we deal with the wider challenges we all face.

Over the next few days we’ll be making some suggestions of things to do, things to learn and read about, people to catch up with (virtually of course) - and how to make the most of any additional time you have.

Many of which are completely free as well!


So here we go with Day One...


Getting Your Kit in Order

flat lay of camera equipment


When did you last clean your kit properly and organise your camera cupboard or bag?  Now’s the time!

Often when we’re back from a trip or photo-shoot the camera gets left in the bag, and the excitement of the memory card takes over.  Now is the time to put that right and really give your kit the once over and a good clean:

  • Take all kit out and look at each piece individually – check for any damage and remove any obvious dirt or dust. For any serious mud, a soft damp (not wet!) cloth is ideal.  Or use a dust blower to remove finer dirt and debris.   Do NOT use compressed air inside your camera, as this can easily damage the sensor!
  • Next remove any filters from lenses and give both filters and optics a gentle clean too – use a soft lens cloth, or a lens cleaning solution kit. For more stubborn marks and smears on filters you can carefully wash them in a mild soap solution and leave to dry
  • Now consider your sensor – have a look at recent images to see if you can spot any dust. If you’re not sure, take a photo of a plain sheet of paper, or even a pure blue sky – and then carefully examine the image file (blow it up to view) and check for dust or debris
  • Sensor cleaning can be terrifying, but it needn’t be. There are step by step guides to help you, or all Wilkinson Cameras stores offer this as a service (please check the store opening information during the COVID-19 pandemic)
  • Next, repack your kit ready for your next outing – or even better – put together a kit you can shoot your next mini project with, be that a still life in the house, macro, or wildlife in the garden (we’ll cover more on this in later posts!)

Once you’re happy that your kit is pristine and ready for action – don’t forget your memory cards and batteries!

Ensure everything is backed up from memory cards and then organise them ready to go for next time.   Need something to store them in?  Then take a look at our handy little cases and wraps, which protect your cards and keep them safe and clean.  Something like this is ideal as it's weather and drop resistant!

Ensure all your batteries are freshly charged.

Finally – spend some time organising your hard drives and archives – get that workflow sorted!  Delete any old images you don’t need and free up space on hard drives and your computer.


Enjoy some creative space

Once all the housekeeping is done – sit back and enjoy some creative space!

Have a think about images you can share on social media, update your website and blog if you have one.  Consider creating a blog if you don’t!

Consider making prints to brighten your walls – we’re all going to be spending a lot of time at home over coming weeks!  Whether you print your own images or use online services – there’s an array of options available, and prints needn’t be expensive.  You can even print at home with printers available to suit any budget.

Design and print that photo book you’ve been meaning to do for years!

Check out our website for a massive range of printing and gift ideas, all of which can be ordered online and delivered to your door!

Now you have everything ready to go, stay tuned, as we’ll be giving you lots of ideas on how to stay positive about your photography and make the most of any additional spare time over the coming weeks.

In the meantime keep an eye on our social media channels for the latest photography news and special offers.


Useful products we've mentioned in this blog:


Keep in touch:


Stay Safe

The Wilki Team